About Health
The Governance Framework
Our Strategic Plan and Our Board

Our Purpose

We deliver safe, kind and respectful health services that reflect our culture and our healing traditions.

We work for better standards of health and health care for our people.

In June 2020, the leadership of Opaskwayak Health Services met for a Strategic Planning Session. Here are the results.

“I want to see a better health system for our people – to give people comfort and quality care in a safe place.”

Our Forecast for the Future 

By Summer 2023

OCN members are getting healthier and stronger as we work to improve the determinants of health in our community. We are providing the right care, here in the right places, based on equality, trust and respect.  Our people know that their needs will be met by our staff.

We work with other branches to deliver services that wrap around people, reaching into the heart of the community.  Every visitor receives friendly greetings from staff and leaves feeling supported.

We have a new primary and community care centre of excellence. The regional care home PCH is expanded to include a behavioural unit and a younger assisted living unit. We offer midwifery and we have expanded mental health and spiritual health services.

We are developing a family-centred addiction treatment centre and community-based outreach services. We have a youth and elder centre to strengthen our culture and traditions.

We are working with Education to deliver health promotion and sexuality education programs.

We are reducing the disparities that exist in the health field. People know how to reach our services and we help them connect to other services as they need.

We are known and trusted as advanced leaders in health care delivery and service models. Our teams of professionals are highly committed and working together to provide the best service to our community.

We are trustworthy and accountable to our community. Our services are welcoming and comfortable, innovative and sustainable.

We are making program and service decisions based on electronic tracking and measuring health determinants and outcomes. Our patient data is collected and used correctly.

We work closely with other branches to deliver best practice services and all our partnerships (internal and external) are continually improving. All branches know what each other are doing and working together with respect and trust.

The Health Services Branch is a dynamic, forward-thinking organization. We are the health care team that will find the best possible treatment plans for the people.

Our professional staff know that their contributions make a difference in our health.

This is a great family-oriented place to work and advance your career.  All staff feel included. We have a full slate of professionals who are qualified, providing the best services to our community.

Our Cree culture is central to our positive environment based on the 7 sacred teachings.

Staff know that they will be treated expertly and in a caring way. We collaborate together in a positive way. People can see and understand our plan.

We bring our different goals and perspectives together and achieve what we are intended to do. We are had working, competent, confident and we are reasonable and patient. We are accountable, honest and trustworthy.

Our workplaces are open and welcoming. We create emotional, physical and spiritual safety for patients, residents, clients, volunteers and staff. We acknowledge people for who they are.

We have hospitality training and personality types training.  Our incentive and benefits package is unmatched.

As the Leadership Team for Health Services, we engage the community in better health. We listen to the community and assess needs, then we set the plans and vision to advance health services. We seek the funding and resources we need.

We lead by example. We set the culture and pull together the team. We provide direction and execute the plan. We measure and elevate progress and quality. We advocate for better health on behalf of the community. We educate about health (NUKA model) and we communicate our plans well and often.

About the Health Services Board

Health Services Branch Board of Directors

  • Dale Knutson Portfolio Holder
  • Guy Constant
  • Louis G. Personius
  • Annie Wilson
  • Riley Lathlin
Appointed by: Chief and Council
Term of Office: 2 years, in alignment with Opaskwayak election cycle.
Maternal Child Health
Provide maternity care to women in a variety of settings as an autonomous practitioner.
Child Development Worker
Child Development Worker
Coordinate activities; set service standards; provide personal care & home support and more
Clinic Admin Assistant
Beatrice Wilson Health Centre
Work with clients and provide Integrated Care Team (ICT) support & administration.
Casual Dietary Aide
Rod McGillivary Care Home
Work in the Main Kitchen, Resident Units, Cafeteria
Casual Health Care Aide
Rod McGillivary Care Home
Ensure the highest possible standards of service are provided.
Casual Housekeeping / Laundry Aide
Rod McGillivary Care Home
Maintain a high standard of cleanliness to all areas.
United cree leadership is:
º Open and Forthcoming º Rooted in Cree Ways and Traditions º Based on Wahkotowin & Pasikonikewin (Kinship/Relationships and Mentoring) º Collaborative º Inclusive º Progressive º Sovereign º Fair º In Service of and Accountable to the Community, for Seven Generations